The mission of Ridgewood Education Foundation (REF) is to collaborate with the District Administration and Educators, and the Board of Education to enhance public education in Ridgewood, NJ.
REF seeks opportunities to support projects with district wide reach, and events that bond our increasingly diverse community. REF also provides funding for innovative programs that enhance the educational experience of smaller groups within the district. Please see the Grants Application for additional information.
The REF was established in 1989 to provide private funds to enhance the experiences of students in the Ridgewood Public Schools. Initially most grants were small and localized to a single school or even classroom. In 2013 the REF boldy decided to broaden the scope of its investments and raise the impact of its initiatives. It also determined to raise awareness for the importance of private funding in securing and maintaining the tradition of excellence for which Ridgewood Public schools are known.
Recent grants from REF have supported a great range of initiative including a leadership grant to fund the new Learning Commons at RHS, an extensive renovation of the old (and old style) high school library into a modern flexible learning space, and funding for the district’s first phases of foundational infrastructure to prepare for the new STEM curriculum. This multi- year initiative included funding for Chromebooks to establish a 1:1 ratio first at RHS and later the middle schools and elementary schools. The significance of this forward thinking became evident during the Pandemic when all learning became remote. Every student in the district had their own Chromebook and was able to continue learning because they were already familiar with the technology. In addition to these major initiatives REF also continued to make small grants such as providing an innovative yoga program for our students on the autism spectrum, or archery equipment to the middle schools. REF has deepened and redefined its role in the life of the community by supporting dynamic community-building events such as Super Science Saturday, The REEL Voices Documentary Series, and the Wellness Speaker Series; and also by offering celebrations such as Oktoberfest and Winterfest, that help bring the whole community together.
The REF raises funds through the generous support of individuals and local businesses in order to achieve these goals.
The Ridgewood Education Foundation is an IRS 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation. All contributions are deductible to the fullest extent of the law.